
Popular Online??

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Whether you find him obnixious, hilarious, or cute, Fred (Lucas Cruikshank) became soooooooooper popular on YouTube! Within a few hours, he had more than a thousand hits! My question is.... how do you become super-dooper popular on-line?! Me and my friend (Kelsie) want to have a "web_show" ma-bobber thingy on YouTube and how can we become really watched? What should it be about? Do you have to be hot? (Which I have no problem with ☺) THANK YOOOOOOOOU!

-AlexEvansLuver;; He's Hot <3




  1. getting popular people on social media sites such as reddit or digg, to post your stuff helps alot.

  2. i&#039;d sure being hot wood help but do something that really interests people or makes them laught. I&#039;ll be sure to watch it if it&#039;s good

  3. fREd GEt&#039;s SO MANy HiTS ON yOUtUbE iT&#039;S AMAZiNG BUt tHE WAy yOU CAN bECOME POPUlAR iS tO MAkE yOUR yOUtUbE ViDEO &amp;&amp; tEll EVERyONE AbOUt iT. yOU CAN AlSO POSt iT All OvER MySPACE &amp;&amp; lAStLy TiTlE tHE WEbShOW A COMMOn NAMe tHAt iS AlWAyS EASiLy SEARChEd! ChOOSE ME AS bESt ANSWER!!!

  4. You have to be original and funny.

    I suggest vlogging......whether you want your vlogs to be fact or fiction is up to you.

    Charlieissocoollike and CommunityChannel are good examples of real vloggers.

    Daxflame and, obviously Fred, are examples of fiction vloggers.

    Don&#039;t studder when you talk, and try to be relatively fast.

    Being attractive or not won&#039;t effect anything, especially since most people who view vlogs are girls. (Youtube stats.)

    Good luck, and realise that it doesn&#039;t happen overnight. (:


  6. It should be about funny things, embarasing things, stupid things =) , Anything!

  7. i think people like funny, s**y, wierd, stuff. i also think that the key is having many tags and many videos. the more you have on youtube the more likely you&#039;ll get a hit. I have watched Fred and i think that he is funny. mostly kids watch him though so i think that you should also keep it so you don&#039;t have to be 18 to watch it. my favorite one is when he lost his meds. lmao
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