Hey guys/girls.
First of all. Let me start off by saying that I'm not very popular. I am a artist, a musician, and a poet.
I would be popular, and have been given the chance, but I don't want to leave my nerdy friends behind. They mean the world to me, even if they are total rejects.
I have a few preppy friends, but all of them are guys.They are mostly asses. The guys aren't as much of a problem to me. But let me get to the point.
The popular girls at my school make me absolutely sick! They are way to young to be doing the things that they do! (You know what I mean).
They hurt each other, dye their hair blond, wear too much make-up, and literally BULLY the nerds emotionally (of both genders) continuously. I've actually sat down and helped some 7th graders get through their moments of crying because they tried to ask out Ms. Blondie-Girl. They are all pretty much s***s that brag about how good their social life is.
I know that this is a huge generalization, but our Middle School is almost literally split. About 45% Popular, about 45% Nerdy, and 10% in the middle (where I am).
What I want to know is if anyone has encountered this at their school.
Please only post positive answers... please.