
Popular People at School... D;?

by Guest60017  |  earlier

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Hey guys/girls.

First of all. Let me start off by saying that I'm not very popular. I am a artist, a musician, and a poet.

I would be popular, and have been given the chance, but I don't want to leave my nerdy friends behind. They mean the world to me, even if they are total rejects.

I have a few preppy friends, but all of them are guys.They are mostly asses. The guys aren't as much of a problem to me. But let me get to the point.

The popular girls at my school make me absolutely sick! They are way to young to be doing the things that they do! (You know what I mean).

They hurt each other, dye their hair blond, wear too much make-up, and literally BULLY the nerds emotionally (of both genders) continuously. I've actually sat down and helped some 7th graders get through their moments of crying because they tried to ask out Ms. Blondie-Girl. They are all pretty much s***s that brag about how good their social life is.

I know that this is a huge generalization, but our Middle School is almost literally split. About 45% Popular, about 45% Nerdy, and 10% in the middle (where I am).

What I want to know is if anyone has encountered this at their school.

Please only post positive answers... please.




  1. Let me just tell you right now that I think you are awesome for being true to yourself and sticking with your nerdy friends who are your true buddies. That really takes a lot of guts and conviction. So yeah, I'm really proud of you.

    As for middle school...well I was a bully for awhile. I made the whole class gang up on this girl and I don't know if she had any friends in the class until she graduated eighth grade. That is an act that I truly regret. If I can go back in time, that would be one of the few things I would definitely change. I'm 23 now so I had time to reflect and grow up a little. If I see her again, I hope that I would have the courage to apologize for all the things I did. Seriously middle school girls are the worst. For the most part this is just a phase. Most grow out of it and turn into pretty decent human beings. Although I have to warn you that the adult world can be just as clique-ish.

  2. I dont consider myself popular, but i'm well known in my grade. For a positive thing. I was new to the school from a big city and had no friends at the end of the year i came runner up for class president. Kids i didnt even know voted for me. SO, just because all of the kids are total morons and b*****s at your school dont let them make you think you're any less. The girls i'm very disappointed in, acting like s***s like that. If a guy has ever asked me out and he was obviously younger i'd turn him down in a nice, polite manner. Highschool will be better, there with the kids. There will be more kids, they'll grow half a brain and the'll pick up some manners.

  3. Ahahahahaha. Thats school for you. If your in middle school, I promise you, it WILL get at least 10 times worse once you hit High School. Heres a few tips/responses to your question.

    1. Guys are jerks. I'm a guy, I'll admit it, most, if not all, are jerks. While alot of them can be nice the the ladies and all that, we're jerks when it comes to other people. Idk why, genetics or something. Lol.

    2. Don't complain about those girls. Your not acting like them, so why do you care? Unless they're like your BFF or something, don't worry about it. Let them do their stuff. Let them get laid in 8th or 9th grade, let them get pregnant, let them ruin their lives. It's their business, not yours. Don't bother nosing in on it.

    3. Let people suffer for their own stupidity. If some 7th grade nerd, was stupid enough to ask out the "popular" chick, and started crying about it. Don't go and help him out. It may be kind of mean, but its just how it works out. He was stupid enough to go and ask her out. His friends will handle him being a baby about it. Keep to your own stuff.

    4. Just keep close with your friends. Your in the middle crowd, thats GOOD, that's VERY good. Keep any friends you have in the middle crowd close. Make friends in the popular crowds, make friends in the nerd crowds. That way you always get the party invites. You always get the homework help, and you still have your close friends.

    Yea, I may sound like a d*ckhead in this response. But, I'm a Sophomore right now. And this is just how Middle/High school works. To each, his own.  

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