
Popular places to surf in america?

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  1. ecsc virginia beach, even though there are practically no waves.

  2. north Carolina -outer banks-----

    and California

  3. Pensacola/maui/waikiki/north shore/Florida(general)/Huntington Beach/Long Beach Cali./New Port Cali./all places around Hawaii are basically popular/Mavs/scorpion beach/North Carolina/Tressels.  Good luck if you're going here.

  4. It would be really helpful if you limited your question to one state.

  5. Of course California and Florida. But one of the best kept secrets is the Outer Banks of North Carolina.  Most anywhere from Virginia Beach, VA to Hatteras Island, NC.

  6. The best spots in america would be Hawaii, California, and Florida.

    in Hawaii go for the island oahu, that's where most people go to surf.

    in California go for the coasts of southern california,

    and in Florida the beaches tend to be really crowded, but if youre fine with that then almost anywhere on the coast.

    hope i helped!

  7. Everywhere where there are waves are popular with local surfers. Most of southern California and the Outer banks of North Carolina tend to be the most popular spots in Continental US, but there are just way too many places that are 'popular' to name. I surf southern New Jersey and southern South Carolina on a regular basis, at 'popular' spots.

  8. You've got to be a bit more specific. I'd say most popular would be Hawaii, obivously, but some Hawaiians don't consider it to be American. Anyway, for the continental US, I'd say California, Florida and then the North East. Specifically, jeez thats a lot of different places.

    In General:


    Santa Barbara

    Santa Cruz

    San Diego


    San Clemente





    Cocoa Beach

    Del Ray

    New Smyrna

    North East:

    New Jersey

    New York

    Thats probably the best in terms of wave quality and consistency, and therefore draws a bigger crowd. But people surf in New Hampshire, Texas, all over and they all usually have their tight-knit crowds. I'd say most popular would be California though.


    Haha, one of the "best kept secrets" is OBX? Are you freakin kidding me? A secret, really? Well then, Pipeline might as well be a secret too. You are an idiot, seriously. I guess the Easterns being held there don't qualify it as well known, huh?

  9. come to the strand...bring all your friends

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