
Population Control?!?

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Do you think that population control is a good idea?




  1. Certainly not.

  2. na

    theres alot of room the gov just wants to either let it rot or its by a place yet to get big

  3. I think it's a good idea for people to reproduce in the vicinity of the replacement rate (2.1 children per couple). But I don't think the government should force you to do so.

  4. Relax.  There is no need for government intervention.   We are already nearing critical overload.

    Unfortunately as individuals in the modern western world we don’t grasp the amount of resources each of us uses to live in the lifestyle that we have become accustomed to.    

    Mother nature will soon dictate the rule. Yes very soon the planet will make it very clear that it can no longer sustain the load.  

    Its message will be short sharp and final.

    Either stop by choice or be stopped.

  5. Just educate people only and reward the citizens who follow the advice.Can't stop people by force.Only Mother Nature has that right.And she will use it,if we as humans abuse her.

  6. Do you mean like limiting the number of kids you can have, or like not feeding the folks in Africa?

    Seen it: " you're eating people" great flick.

  7. Without population control, worldwide, (not just the West), we will have more severe problems, like food shortages, water shortages. The gas problem today is an example.

  8. I honestly believe this world has more than enough resources for a mammoth amount of people.  Problem is it's not being distributed fairly.If we stopped corruption there would be no problem with the large population. Besides some of the greatest achievements like the great wall of China and the pyramids would never have been possible without massive amounts of humans working. The more the merrier in my opinion if we use our potential correctly.
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