
Population Growth..Can some1 help me answers these 2 questions..get all the full points!!

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The best way to ensure that there will be enough aluminum for all future needs is to

1) dig more mines and process more aluminum ore

2) buy more aluminum from other countries and save our own

3) recycle and reuse aluminum

4) increase space exploration and search for new sources of aluminum

Which of these human activities is quite often responsible for the other three human activities?

1) increasing demand on limited food production

2) rapid increase of loss of farmland due to soil erosion

3) rapid increase of human population

4) increasing levels of air pollution




  1. For the first question, (3) recycle and reuse.  Space exploration and mining still use a lot of aluminum. recycling is the only way to ensure continued availability

    Secondly, (3) as well, rapid increase of human population.  More people = more food needed which decreases the available food.  More people using more cars, gas etc. means more pollution.  More people needing more food depletes farmland leading to desolate farms which increases soil erosion.  

    Hope the explanations assure you of my answers, glad i could help

  2. I'd say 3) recycle & reuse and 3) rapid increase of human population  

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