
Population Reduction! What is in store for our future?

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Population reduction is a plan the New World Order (Illuminati) has in plan for mankind. So, the question is why? Why is it necessary for there to be one? We can't feed everyone here with over six billion people on the planet, and we are not sure how many people the Earth can handle at a healthy amount. We only have to believe that the earth has a super conscious that is more powerful than ours. So, if you have any other answers to why, I would love to hear it

How? Well, what I know is that they are going to create a great depression that will make the depression from the 1930s look like a walk in the park. We are going to see $9.00 per loaf of bread and this inflation that will come due to bank failures will cause inflation to skyrocket. This will eliminate the lower and middle class over the next few years.

How? The weather is getting worse and the fact that Nibiru is in the area we will get severe weather for another decade and this will create very nasty weather.




  1. Over population is the number one problem in the world today. People will solve that problem, or nature will (and is) do it for us.

  2. I love a good healthy discussion on issues of this type. Most people will dismiss both of our views as being on the unbelievable side, but I believe that your views are closer to being true then most people want to believe, but here are my views on this- basically I agree with what you have said, however, I tend to believe that if your scenario does not occur first, mine will- I believe that the earth is a living  organism, and there will be some sort of a disaster that will take most of mankind out of the picture- it will be along the lines of the Bubonic plague that wiped out a large percentage of mankind many years ago- but this time it will be something like the Ebola virus, or a mutation of the bird flu, or perhaps it will be the honeybees , whose demise may be the end of our raising enough crops to feed the world, or it could come along the lines of global warming that will turn vast areas of the crop belt into a desert-but one thing you can be assured of- there will be a reduction in the population of mankind , some way, some how- it is the natural order of things- any time a population of wild animals over populate and eat more then their environment can supply them with food, they die of starvation or diseases- that is how it is going to be-like it or not.

  3. im with u.........but the vid is no longer available!!!!  Why is youtube making so many contentious vids "no longer available"?

  4. economic depression is a very slow way of doing in the populace,when you can engineer a virus that wipes out poor country's and its people and then come back with a cure,but remember the Illuminati is just but one society that wants world order,do more research you will be surprised.......not all conspiracy's are false.........but they want you  to be live they are

  5. I hear ya, it's all about total control. Population reduction has been happening for a while.

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