
Population growth and its effect on indian economy?

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Population growth and its effect on indian economy?




  1. population growth does more harm to indian economy then help it !! cos most of our educated population go for an easier option of a foreign citizenship !! its like they collect in india a deposit else were !

  2. Increased demand for food and oil resulting in global inflation - that's Chidu-Dubya theory!

  3. population growth is the main cause for the inflation , bribery and all the social evils in the country of INDIA

    if there is a small amount of people in the city then any social evil can be identified easily

    it is also the hindrance to the growth

  4. population growth is the best and the worst factor of economic growth. This population growth was consider as the hindrance to economic growth but now it is consider as the accelerator of Indian economy . India is world's second largest populatet country but inspite of that it is one of the world's growing economy which cought the eyes of developed and developing countries and one of the main cuases for that is population growth cause population or human being  is the most desired and most wanted resource for a country and India with large skilled people have the advantage of this god gift. On the other side of it population of India become a crucial factor or we can say a border for its scarce resources cause India is not a country full of natural resouces specialy oil is the most unwanted scarce resource in India.

  5. increasing at a alarm rate nd thats why indian sensex goes down below 13000 today

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