
Porjector Screen?

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I do not want to make a screen myself. I am getting the mitsubishi HC1500 and I want a screen that is 106", not fixed, under 300 dollars (under 300 after rebate is fine) and is 16:9 format. I understand that the screen is very important, but I do not have unlimited money and around three hundred is the extent I can pay for the screen. It can be manual or electric. Please do not answer this unless you know something about projectors and screens. I want the best screen to go with my mitsubishi hc1500 projector.




  1. Pasky

       As I write this, I am using my multi-media pentium duo computer projected through my infocus projector....onto a white wall.    

       Before you go spend alot of money on a screen, you might try it.   Also - I wouldn't buy a screen unless I can see it in action, same bit of video with a screen, same bit on a white wall.   I doubt if you can see much difference.

       I've got a friend with a 1080i projector and a blu-ray player.  It's incredible.  When I say it looked better than the movies, I mean - it looked much better.

       The pic was so sharp that my friends dogs were pawing at the wall to get to the movie.   I swear.  Do you know what he uses as a projector screen? .....A white wall.

       If you can't stand the thought of using a white wall, but don't want to spend big money on a screen, you might want to look at the Behr silver screen paint that you can use to make your own screen on the wall.  

       Check out for alot of info on screens, paints, homemade screens, white walls, and a ton of info on projectors as well.

       Another thought I want to put out there is this - you will probably be watching various different video sources, tv, computer, and dvd.   The projector will have a screen ratio setting and it's probably just a toggle on the remote.  Mine is older technology and it's got it.  There's no reason to pin yourself down to a 16:9 ratio screen or a screen at all if you are projecting onto a wall.  

       By the way - has a long review on the one you've chosen.  They gave it an 'editor's choice award' for quality for the price.  I'm sure it will be excellent,  but at 1600 lumens brightness - you are going to have all the bright you need and then some bouncing off a white wall.  

       Congrats on the new projector.  I've tried to convince anyone I talk to just how incredible they are compared to big screen tvs - where you've got 2 or 3 grand tied up in something that requires a pickup and 3 big friends to move it around,  versus a projector that fits under your arm and can generate a pic that makes you feel like you are at the movies and can pick up a video from a portable dvd player, an ipod, or a laptop, but almost nobody has paid any attention.  

        I'm looking forward to taking a silver tarp and bungee cords,  and some camping chairs to the lake with a cooler full of cold beers and some pizza and having a drive in movie night minus the part where we are sitting in a car.


    ps.  I had another thought.  You know, you can buy the projector and try it out.  Then, you can get a screen.  See how you like the difference.  If you can't tell, you can take it back.  If it makes a big difference, please let me know.   I'll be surprised, but my mind is open.

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