
p**n addiction... and can't deal with real people

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I'm just a kid and i got myself into masturbating alot to p**n. Now i find when I'm faced with a real situation i can't get in the"mood" for it, i find no real pleasure and no connection to the person I'm with. What can i do to help myself not rely on this stupidity. I want to have the emotional connection to someone i love, but i don't know what to do. HELP!!!




  1. Oh my dear, you have caught yourself in quite a trap haven't you?

    But how wonderful you have realised it is causing you real pain, because remembering that pain can help you get through grieving the loss of being able to watch p**n again, (because that is what you are going to have to determine in your heart to do) live the rest of your life without it, and getting through those times when  you want to use it as a quick fix to get some easy comfort.

    Some things I want you to think about often, and store up in your heart when you are tempted to get it out and watch it again are:

    1. Letting myself watch this stuff again will stop me being proud of myself.

    2. I have to get used to the idea that p**n is actually my enemy, it is not helping me feel good, loved or safe anymore.

    3.This is a destructive way to get my need for being accepted, comforted, o****m or control filled.

    4. Doing whatever I want, whenever I want is actually going to make me a slave to the desire in the end. I am not actually free if I can't say no.

    5. I have to go without that particular adrenaline rush. Exercise can help.

    6. There is nothing on thes tapes etc, that I haven't seen before, but in my partner I can have true intimacy.

    7. I amgoing to have to watch more and more depraved material to get the same rush if I don't stop this now. Do I want to be a person who can only live on that sort of diet?

    I hope some of those help, and email me if you need more, I have about 38 others that may do the trick.

    All the best for your hard climb, but it will be worth it darl in the end.


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