
Port Aventura holiday...buying necessities out there for baby?

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We are visiting Port Aventura after Sept, and our youngest (of four) will be 19 months old then. Rather than lug tons of 'baby stuff' over with us, does anyone who's travelled there with little ones, have any advice about what we HAVE to take, and what we can buy easily when we get there?





  1. Not really an expert anymore cos our son is now 38.but as we live in Spain it seems to me that the big supermarkets and hypermarkets have whole aisles dedicated to baby products and foods.never forget the Spanish have kids too and now live in a modern convenience age.

  2. You can do a google search for hire of cots etc in the area.  I have this service on the costa blanca to make it easier for those who visit the area, If you do find anything let me know so I can keep it on record for future. Most of Spain there are general hire centres of which will hire travel cots highchairs etc but you would be best off looking for specificly cot hire etc first, If you are staying in a hotel give them a ring they bmay be able to direct you to a company the same if you are renting a property of which there is a keyholder he or she may know

  3. Hello i am a frequent traveller and if i was you i would take as much babby nappies wipes and food ect as possible however there will be supermarkets and hypermarkets like Eroskie and Spars over in spain so i would recomend for you to take as much as possible

    P.s Portaventura fireworks is a must see and is on at 12pm at nigh and is BREATH TAKING

  4. Please believe me Spain is very moden and all super and hypermarkets have even more items to buy for children, then you´ll ever need. Take care and enjoy your holiday with no worries.

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