
Port Forwarding Problem On LinkSys WRT54GS?

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I am having problems with my ports on my Linksys router (WRT54GS w/speed booster). So I port the router to ports (6112-6119) but they still show up closed. Those are the ports to host games for Warcraft III.

I was able to host fine before

I have checked the settings for my static ip and all the other settings. I followed the guide on to the point where I have it memorized. I have the right IP, all the settings correct, and i have enabled it on my router.

I even tried turning on my dmz but I still can't host. I know the problem doesn't like in Wwarcraft because I tried using several online port scanners to no avail. One of the sites I used were

One interesting thing i noticed was when I use Utorrent and set the port to anytihng from 6112-6119 the port scanners show it is open.

All my firewalls are off and I am using Vista. I doubt the problem lies in Vista beucase I tried forwarding on my bros comp which is XP and it still fails.





  1. Check your broadband provider's tech support page and find out if they are allowing you to host Warcraft III games on these ports.  

    Are you able to use the Internet for other activities?  Try the free scanner at

    Nothing would surprise me, especially since Comcast is on the hotseat for slowing or blocking BitTorrent traffic.

  2. This site may help you:

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