
Portable Suzuki outboard damage

by  |  earlier

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I took my inflatable up the river with a Suzuki 2.5 HP portable and hit an unseen rock. The motor went up as it is supposed to and I turned it off to assess the damage. The prop looked alright and I started it back up . As I went from nuetral to drive, it did nothing however but increase the rpm's as I gave it gas. Could this be something somewhat simple that breaks off to prevent further damage to more expensive parts, or does it sound like a ruined lower unit? It turns freely when i manually spin the prop in nuteral . Thanks




  1. It will be a simple shear pin designed to potect the prip/gear box from dammage.  Look for a spilt pin like thing near where the prop joins onto its shaft (most outbords that have this arrangement have a spare fitted near the powerhead).

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