
Portfolio: What is a portfolio? Why do I need it to get a job? What does it contain?

by Guest60896  |  earlier

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Portfolio: What is a portfolio? Why do I need it to get a job? What does it contain?




  1. It is basicly a big resume that big companies want you to have to get a job there.If you dont have a college degree I wouldnt worry about it.Just make a real nice and neat Resume.

  2. portfolio is like supplemental to a resume. It is a collection of tangible works you've done.  (hows that for guessing). its good to have because people want to actually see what you've done rather than read about it on a resume. Its the proof.

  3. it's a sample of work you've already done.  you need it so that people can see what type of work you can do before hiring you.

  4. A portfolio is a representation of what you have done.

    For an architect, if would be of the buildings you have designed; an artist would give an overview of what they have done; a writer shows examples of their offerings

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