
Portland/Beaverton Area Schools. Which is best?

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I'm in High School & currently moving to an area in Portland, possibly Beaverton. Which school is the best one to attend? Please any suggestion will work, include why that school is best. (I don't need the websites, I've looked them over already).




  1. Portland Public schools are not great.  If you want good schools, try outside Portland, LakeRidge, Lake Oswego, Tigard, Beaverton, Tualitin, and Wilsonville High schools are all better than any of the PPS.  If you are in the Portland Public school district, Lincoln, Benson, Wilson, and maybe even Grant are the better of the Portland Schools.

  2. Benson High School is where I went and has the best programs.  Benson is a high school where they would have to accept you to get in, you would need to write an essay that is a few pages long saying why you want to go there.  If you are into sports they have some of the best sports teams in Oregon.  I dont know if you are interested in technical things or medical but they have a Health Occupations program or a Tech program where they teach you for 4 years about a certain thing (photography, construction, electronics, screen printing, metal manufacturing, architechture)  Take a look at their website by going to google and typing in benson Polytechnic High School in Portland, OR

  3. I agree with Almost Brazilian. The best public highschool in Portland is probably Lincoln. I guess Benson and Wilson are pretty good too because they have lots of programs but you have to live in their particular district to go to those particular schools. There are private schools such as Jesuit, Catlin Gable, and Oregon Episicopal School, which are all excellent, but expensive. Then there are the suburban schools such as Beaverton High, Sunset, Westview, Tigard, Tualatin, Lake Oswego, and Lakeridge. All those are pretty good schools. If you end up in Portland, try to get in one of the districts I mentioned, or plan to send your kid to private school because the rest of the schools, aren't the best.

  4. Beaverton Schools are much better than Portland's. About half of Portland's public schools can't meet accreditation standards. They are kept open only because the kids must have some place to go, even if it is a substandard level of education.

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