
Portsmouth city council have banned people releasing balloons at public events!?

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they reckon that sea life will swallow the balloons! is this over the top?




  1. No, I don't think it is over the top.  If "sea life" doesn't swallow the ballons then the ballons are just litter, aren't they?

  2. No and who are these d**n fools who release loads at football matches. To be honest most people give up with balloons when they leave their childhood

  3. yeah over the top....Important things that needs to be looked into like Global warming is not being bothered with but yet silly things are...Just my opinion

  4. No I think its sensible.

  5. Pompey is an island (something most people do not realise) and most wind-blown rubbish disappears out to sea.

    We are now awakening (probably too late) to the fact that rubber and plastics in the marine environment are causing carnage!

    Those with limited intellects might carp, as their immediate entertainment is impacted, but the fact is that balloon releases in places like Portsmouth have a visual impact of a few seconds, while the environmental impact lasts for decades!

  6. no its not over the top so many turtles and other wildlife which live on jelly fish try to consume these and end up dying

  7. Good for them!  No not over the top at all..think it is great that the city council is so environmentally aware...the average person is not.

  8. absolutely not OTT they should be banned everywhere else as well,as you say they deflate and mostly come down in the sea and dolphins etc swallow them and die

    well done portsmouth lets get all councils to follow suit

  9. Canadian pilots are seeing laser lights. So the balloons could cause similar problems. Portsmouth has a lot of air traffic going over it, so a cluster of balloons may be a hazard.

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