
Portugal Portuguese vs. Brazilian Portuguese?

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i know their similar but what makes the two different?




  1. It's kinda like British people talking to Americans, there is a big difference in the accent, and the sayings are different, but of course on paper it;s the same language.

  2. Brazilians have creolized dialects in their Portuguese.

  3. Just like ''loira'' said, but I would say that we (I'm Brazilian) have some different words to.

  4. The accent is a very important difference and there are some small grammatical differences, as it was answered already correctly by some users.

    But some Brazilians here seem to forget that their Portuguese has a lot of influence of the Aborigine's language, the Tupi-Guarani.

    Here just  2 examples:

    "Mandioca" (pt, the cassava root) = "Macaxeira" (br) or "Aipím" (br)

    The Portuguese call the Pineapple "ananás" and the Brasilian "Abacaxi"

    These words really do not look the same, and I could find many more of these examples.. ;)

  5. They started the same. Brazil was colonized by the Portuguese. Along its over 500 years in Brazil, the Portuguese language has changed/evolved due to many factors. For example, it has been largely influenced by the languages of the natives that lived in Brazil long before the Portuguese arrived. The African dialects also influenced the language brought by the Portuguese. Also, many other languages have influenced what is today Brazilian Portuguese e.g. Spanish, English, French, Italian, German, Japanese ...

    I Hope it helps!

  6. its like any other language it depends on where u form and how the culture is some people speak languages slow and some fast. brasilian portuguese is beter we kick ***!! eu sou do brasil. ciao.

  7. like Spain and Mexico two different Nations Portugal is near Spain,and Brazil is near mexico,mexico and spain speaks the same language but different Nation and culture and Portugal and Brazil speak the same language but they are two different nations and culture,but we all get along with each other.

  8. for instance: in Brazil we write: ativado, in portugal: activado. But the accents are diffents also... they almost don't pronounce the vowels.

  9. The language in Brazil is actually known as "Brazilian" it is not at all Portuguese!  It is a language all of its own with only remnants of its origins. Many Portuguese from Portugal cannot understand Brazilians! or vice versa.

  10. Very few differences

    The accent

    A few words are different too, specially words that are from the XXth century.

    But one understand each other perfectly. Brazilians have a little problem in understand Portuguese accent, but if the Portuguese speaks slowly the Brazilian can understand.

    It's like British-English and American-English.

    Are you crazy Latin Techie???? Where did you take it from??

    Believe me, I'm Brazilian

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