
Portuguese Brazilian translation "so no so love ontem!!!!!!!!!!!!"?

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I know that a girl said it to a guy, but I dont understand it fully.




  1. Ontem = Yesterday,

    sounds like she was asking if he had any s*x yesterday

  2. i am from brazil and i dont reconize that all i no is ontem=yesterday but i cant understand the rest.

  3. I think Ms. Morena do Sul is correct. Probably, your friend meant "Só no love ontem", since the youth is mixing some English words into their conversation. Thus, your friend told you: "Hey, you were completely reckless yesterday only focusing in your partner doing intimate things."

  4. there is some word missing...sorry about that...

  5.'s dificult to translate this literally, but she was saying that yesterday (ontem), she was if her boyfriend "only loving" (só no "love"). Like, she was if her boyfriend, doing couple things, dating, loving, kissing etc...

    Is the only frase that you got? Don't have more? With the context will be easer.

    Take care

  6. Neither did he.

  7. She probably meant as the others have mentioned  by saying "so no love ontem?" Just into love/dating/love making yesterday?

    That's most probably the right interpretation, if there are accents in the words so (" only" in portuguese) and no ( which means " in" in portuguese).

    As many people nowdays will use one english word with portuguese.

  8. ok. i am from brazil and i dont even recognize wut that says!!! where there any accent marks or punctuation marks???

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