
Posada is the weakest link in my lineup. Should I drop him for any of these catchers?

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Available on my waivers:

Kelly Shoppach

Kurt Suzuki


Mike Napoli

Ramon Hernandez

Brandon Inge

Also, one of the teams in my league has Dioner Navarro on his bench. I could try to trade Posada for Navarro.

Thank in advance.




  1. Posada is usually a 20 HR guarantee at the Catcher position.  However, given the fact that he's been injured and missed a few games, he might be lucky to hit the 15 mark this year.  But still, given the fact that he's only hit 3 thus far, you've got to bet on him producing more in the second half.

    Plus, I look for the Yankees to make a strong push for the playoffs in Part II of 2008.  And if there's an improvement across the board, it just means that there are more chances for Posada to produce.

    Keep in mind that Navarro is most valuable in the AVG department, and Posada is hitting .293 (so he's not hurting you too much there anyways).

    If you have room on your bench, stash him there and play the matchups while picking up a guy like Napoli who can get you some HRs.

  2. Dude, definitely drop him for Pudge or try to get Navarro!  I'd probably acutally go with Navarro!  Dioner is an ill player and the Rays are doing great!

  3. posada has been underachieving this year with all the injuries, but if you have faith in the yankees, keep him. i would trade for dioner navarro, he gets on base a lot, and his batting average and runs and rbis potential are nice.

  4. im suprised pudge is in the waiver wire...i would scoop him up

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