
Posers!!! Answer please!!?

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Why is everybody posing made up characters in books? Everyone wants to be like Massie Block. Just be a total ***** and wear prissy clothes and you got her down. No one seems to be unique anymore. Get over yourselves. I am not trying to be mean but it is true. Everyone wants to be the rich, s****., popular girl when everyone knows that you are fake. Massie is a MADE UP girl in a book and is a total brat. Please all of you wanna bes get over yourself and find a real role model. I am so sick of ppl asking how do you be like Massie. Does anybody relate to this situation.




  1. I don't know who Massie is but I remember when young woman wanted to be like Holli Would from Cool World, and she was a cartoon. Their looking to identify with a character who appears better and more interesting than ordinary life. Most people get over it eventually and accept who they are.

  2. I have no idea who Massie is but trust me, girls wanting to wear prissy clothes and be rich and popular is not a new concept by any means. Massie is apparently a fictional character? She didn't inspire anyone to be this way, this has been going on LONG before Massie was even a twinkle in the authors eye.

  3. Hey!

    Okay I totally agree were does everybody get these stupid ideas that these book characters ARE REAL!!! They are fake made up, spoiled, bitchy, rich, and popular but you are just being a wannabe!




  4. who the *** is massie?

  5. I can relate to being a b> itch, to b> itches, like you're doing now.

    Just don't care; that's what i do.

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