
Posh restaurants sexist?

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hey jus wondering (maybe sum women lik it) but does anybody man or woman find it kinda sexist when in posh restaurants u ask for a bottle of wine and the waiter/waitress pours the guy a bit and asks him if he likes it and duznt ask the girl at all?? like d girls opinion duznt matter?




  1. It's traditional to offer the wine sample to the host, which is usually the man if it's a couple out on a date.  The servers are usually pretty good at figuring out who's paying.  They hope it's the man anyway, because men tip better, especially when out with a woman.

  2. yeh.. AGREED. its like women never get treated as well  men. But then again at posh restaurants the eaiters often grab the seat for the lady and put the serviett in her lap, yet not for the man.

    i guess there are feminine things and masculine things at restaurants.

  3. Yep its sexist- I've ordered the wine and the waiter comes and asks my husband to try it- it should be who ever ordered it, same with who the wine list gets handed to them, its usually the bloke. Believe me I don't like it

  4. Totally sexist!

    Next time ask the waiter if thats how he treats his mom when there are guests at the house!!

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