
Positive GBS testing at 36 weeks? Anyone with experience?

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My doctor told me today that I tested positive for GBS, Group B Streptococcus. I understand that I have to have antibiotics when I go into labor or as soon as my water breaks. Does anyone have experience with this? Did anyone have anything bad happen, not respond to the medicine, have the baby born with GBS disease? I know I shouldn't stress, but I am a little concerned and could use your stories and support. Thank you so much in advance!




  1. I tested positive as well.  Just make sure you get to the hospital within 2 hours of your water breaking.  The earlier the better so they can get you on antibiotics.  They want to get at least 2 doses into you before baby comes and they give it 4 hrs apart.  But even if you don't get the 2 doses I'm sure it will be OK.  I've never heard any horror stories.  Just don't worry.  At this point you have enough stuff to worry about without adding unnecessary worries to the pile right?

    Relax and enjoy the few weeks you have left.  congrats!

  2. i was positive as well and i can tell you for a while i felt a bit dirty!

    But i, like you, spoke to others about this and they really reassured me that things would be okay. Apparently you can be negative right up until the later stages of your pregnancy and right at the end get the GBS. that's why they do it at 36 weeks.

    I was given anti's i think every 4 hours from when they did my ARM (artificial rupture of membranes)

    I didn't have and reactions and everything went to plan and my baby girl was very healthy. If for some reason it crosses, they can treat your baby and things will go really smoothly.

    Honestly, you'll be fine, just remember that after all this you'll meet the baby you've wanted to see for the last 9 months!

  3. I tested positive and I had the antibiotics before my water broke, they gave it to me every few hours until he was born, they just left the IV in. I only ended up needing it once because when they came back in I was ready to push. He was fine and didnt get it.

    Good luck

  4. dont stress doll!!  I was positive as well.  they just hook you up to an iv (which you need to have for an epidural anyways) and pump some penicillin into you!  you will get a new bag every 4 hours until baby is out.  Also because you are positive, you will never need to be tested again, for all your kids you will be treated!!

    good luck!!

  5. I tested positive also, everything went fine, although my son got thrush 5 days after being born...due to the antibiotics ,allowing an overgrowth of yeast in his mouth. Which was no big deal, except it took more medicine to clear that up..I much rather have the least amount of meds as possible in his little body, but all was well :)

  6. my results werent back from the lab when i went into labour. they put me on the antibiotics just to be sure. nothing happened to my son, he's amazingly healthy!

  7. I tested positive and i was soo scared!

    I had read all sorts of bad things happening about it, but my doctor told me not to worry. I went into labour and got put on antibiotics....everything was fine until my baby turned around so i ended up with the i heard nothing else about my GBS..

    My mother tested positive with all four of hers...she gave birth naturally everytime and everything was just fine.

    Dont doc said over 40% of women has it and the babies turn out just fine..

    Congrats!! x x

  8. I tested positive for GBS also. They gave me antibiotics when they induced me and everything is fine with me and my little boy.  

  9. My sister tested positive for it but nothing happened to her baby. My niece also had it and they didn't even get a chance to give her the full dosage of antibiotics but her baby was ok.

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