
Positive OPK 9 Days past ovulation?

by  |  earlier

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OK, I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this. I am aprox. 9-10 dpo. Ijust got a positive opk and then took a hpt which was neg. I know its still a bit early, but anyone have any advice like when to test again?

Also, I havent had a period yet.. first day of last one was sept 18. We tried to concieve on the 28th 29th and 30th. Could I be ovulating now? What could be going on?




  1. I was so desperate to conceive that i did tests all of the time. I got my 1st positive one 10 days past ovulation. I'd wait until 14 days past ovulation that way you will know for sure.  

  2. Do you mean your period was in July because Sept is not  here yet?  

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