
Positive and negative consequences of EU expansion?

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Positive and negative consequences of EU expansion?




  1. Positive- streamlining of the European economy, currency and workforce. This has made them more viable in the world's marketplace as they are working together versus against each other(think United States).

    Negatives- This streamlining created financial pressure on the lesser economies and has created rampant inflation in the better economies(France, Germany). The euro is now so prohibitively high that american goods are being imported at record levels. California wines now rule the world, completely unthinkable 5 years ago.

    Overall, it was a good move. Western Europe is in a fight for it's life. Fighting against themselves would have made them a wounded animal waiting to be devoured. The problem is those who do the devouring. Muslims! Not that this scenario can't happen now, Sarkozy is fighting back, but it will be more difficult for sharia law to make an impact in the whole of western Europe now that they are united.

  2. Brussels dictating to areas that are vastly different in political, social and economic terms. It's simply not practical. (Although, this same reason can be used against one collective governance of a country.)

    It also rouses people's "one world government" fears.

  3. Positives plenty for the poorer country's

    negatives over taxed

                     over charged


                     over run

                     over hear

    I want England/Britain out of Europe we are stronger on our own.

  4. Positive: Europe has been plagued with wars for centuries. Just now there's none taking place and it seems difficult to think that one would.

    Negative: Brussels is government by politicians for politicians. Because we can't vote them out they regard their jobs as a gravy train to be exploited. EG: The Kinnocks - a failed opposition leader, a school maam and their children currently taking home £500,000 a year between them. The French and Germans have their drongoes too.

    It is difficult to see how this impasse could be resolved and true democracy instigated. I think we should be out of it and into a much looser - and cheaper - but still friendly confederation.

  5. the rich get richer and the poor get ;poorer

  6. 3 years ago I moved from Berlin to Glasgow, and came back for the first time some month ago, and now its full of Romanian begging for money! Really MANY!!!

    I am a very liberal person, and consider myself to be more European than German, but i think they should not have given these new countries so quickly the right of free movement.

    They should have waited some years until the standards over there rise.

  7. did you know that the EU plan was originally conceived by the n**i government? So, taking into consideration the Reichstag's economic plans of the 1930's you should be able to draw those consequences: creation and further separation of economic classes, political and social system designed to divide society and re-distribute money in accordance with pre-designated socio-economic structures, etc.

    The EU is only quietly following these doctrines....also, to better understand the full potential impact of the impending world economy I urge you to read Naomi Klein's book called Shock Doctrine, The rise of Disaster capitalism. It will open your eyes on the doings of the "father of modern economics, Milton Friedman" It is because of his strategies that we are in this MASSIVE ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL mess.

  8. Stuff the poxy eu!.

  9. Rejection of Human Supremacist  notions can  be rejected for reason  The Eu citizens can vote on the decision in a referendum or by other means when before they could not. Human Supremacist notions defined as belief mineral and such only for human profit a profit over people belief. Negative if different path followed if Fascistic Party were to win in all The European Union slim though the chances be. Might also point out though that those who like neither their political choices in England or the idea of Brussels could vote on the issue of rejecting Human Supremacist notions which are part of reason politicians disliked in England though called Neo-Liberal Policies, Free Trade,Thatcherism.

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