My son is 5yrs old and is currently having asessments for behavioural problems, Aspergers syndrome is a consideration. I have recently been informed that my son has had to be restrained at school on numerous occasions due to aggressive outbursts. The school use the Positive Handling Technique. They asked me to sign a consent form so that they could continue to restrain my son, as and when they needed. The school are happy to tell me what type of behaviour my son is displaying in order for them to restrain him, but they can not really tell me why my son's behaviour is becoming that extreem that they need to physically restrain him. I have told them i am not willing to sign the consent form untill we have had another meeting and I understand what is happening leading up to these incidents. The school have continued to use positive handling, yet have been unable to arrange a meeting and the special needs teacher is too busy to speak to me. What should I do?