
Positive points about child adoption...

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So I've got an essay and I agree with that child adoption is a positive thing... Can someone tell me some positive points about child adoption?




  1. Well i read somewhere that Sushmita Sen the famous model

    adopted a kid and she said her kid is speical than any other kid

    because she not a normal child and children that are adopted always have a different view of things and tend to appreciate what they have more.

  2. saves a child's life. i know i was adpoted. and it got me out of a really bad situation. some countries are very poor and kids in those orphanges die because of starvation. some of them can't afford clothing so they die of being too cold at night. most of all they come from a life with absilutly no love to a loving family who is willing to take care of them. i'd say love is a really postive thing. oh yeah also. kids in orphanges probably wont goto college so they either work in sweatshops to survive or they have to beg for money. people who adopt give those kids a chance to become who ever they like to be, (of course im talkngi about foriegn poor countries)

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