
Positive pregnancy test but fèels like af going to start please hel?

by  |  earlier

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i had my last period 2rd july detected 15th and 16th july my period is due today. i have been pregnancy testing for the past 3days past 2 days i was getting very faint positives . this morning i took a clear blue test and it was definatly positive. but it really really feels like my period is going to come right now i have u cramps and the tummyache . whats going on if im pregnant why does it feel like im about to bleed ? am i really pregnant? i have constant wind , extremely sore b*****s/nipples,a feeling of tightness im my tummy area , a breakout of spots, and lower backache




  1. honey i had the same thing when i thought i was pregnant i tested 5 times and they all came up positive and than i had the cramping for days after that i swear i was going to get AF but it never came and i had really really bad stabbing pains now i have a 2yr old so i think its normal to get some sorta cramping  when your pregnant because your body is going "hey nope cant bleed but ill give them some cramping" lol hope everything is what you wish for!! :)

    baby dust

    and congratulations

  2. One of the possible pregnancy symptoms that you can get is cramping - it feels very much like menstrual cramps, but it's actually your uterus preparing itself for the massive growth it's going to go through.

    It's not possible to get a false positive, so you're definitely pregnant. Try not to worry so much - enjoy it!

  3. You probably are if you got a positive, go to the doc and get bloodwork to be sure.  COngrats!!!!

  4. When I was first pregnant I was sure my period was coming because of the cramps, sore b*****s and other familiar PMS signs. I waited a week and a half to take a test just in case. I was so scared! LOL. But to answer your question, light cramping without bleeding is common in early pregnancy and with the positive HPT...


  5. I felt the same when i was due on had really bad tummy ache like period pains but no period. Could be implantation pains, i don't think you can get a false positive so congrats.


  6. It sounds like you are definately pregnant. pregnancy tests don't give a false positive. Make an appointment at the docs asap to check everything is ok. Apart from the test result you have all the symptoms of pregnancy. Apparently some women still have period pains every month throughout their pregnancy. The pains could also be your uterus expanding ready for the growing embryo. Congratulations - loads of sticky baby dust to you :-)

  7. I think its either our imagination, because we would normally have our periods we are expecting them to come or we have slight cramping due to the new changes in our uterus.

    I felt like this 3rd time around and panicked for a few days thinkning it was going to arrive but thankfully it didn't

    Good luck

  8. you can have period and still be pregnant . Speaking from experiance . Go to doctor or free clinic . .. Because pain can also be sign of miscarriage . but if you do start dont mean you arent pregnat . trust me .

  9. Thats a good pregnancy signs - congrats!!! Most probably you made it!!

  10. Hi, Firstly congratulations and just to let you know I found out on Friday I am pregnant and have exactly the symptoms you have listed. Have asked around and it is common to have period pain at this stage. As long as there is no bleeding or really severe pain then you should be fine. Oh, and you can't get a false positive result! Good luck with the pregnancy :)

  11. I think thats all normal i had the same, still felt like i was going to get my period, id say you are definatley pregnant, good luck.

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