Currently I babysit. I keep two boys. The youngest one is 4 years old. He is currently being potty trained and constantly lies about needing to go to the bathroom when he is getting in trouble for something else. He's using it as an excuse to get out of time out. When he goes to the restroom, he does nothing but sit there and smile. He says, "all done". I look in the toilet, there is nothing. The only time he says he has to "potty" is when I'm having a talk with him in time out. I wanted to try to talk to the child to see what was bothering him or causing him to make up the lies that he does. Everytime I ask a question, he only repeats the question. So, in essence there is no communication. I tried to put him in time out when he repeats my question and doesn't give an answer. I'm really starting to wonder if maybe he has a learning disability or maybe he has ADD that is that prominant. Let me know how you think I should deal with the situation. And for those of you who