
Positive test after miscarriage or pregnant again?please help!!!?

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I had an early natural miscarriage on july 15th(its now the 21st of august)i was 5 weeks pregnant.i actually miscarried the day i was due on my period,i did an early test and got a faint line,i tested every morning for 5 days and the line got fainter and fainter until i mc.

I did a test 3 days ago and i have a thick very dark line,im assumming im pregnant?i dont think it could still be from the miscarriage as the line is very dark and it has been over 5 weeks?i have done about 4 tests at all different times in the day and all of them show up instantly!

so am i pregnant?




  1. You may have just thought you were miscarrying and actually didn't -or- you may have gotten pregnant again. The other option is that all of the pregnancy tissue didn't come out of your system. You will have to call a doctor to check.

  2. I would guess that you are- when I had my miscarriage my positive line went away right away- I kept checking for about a week and a half just hoping...:(  so I doubt if it would be a line just from hormones left over still. Its def not the best idea to get pregnant after a miscarriage right away- my doctor told me not to for 4 months. I would go see them as soon as possible. Def take it easy and TAKE YOUR VITAMINS!!! Your going to need them :)    


  3. well congrats as i doubt its a positive from the mc as you say its so dark and your other ones where light, make a appointment with your doctor to confirm it xx

  4. Wow! Thats sounds like you are! Fairly unusual i would think to get pregnant again straight away! But i can't imagine any other reason to get a strong positive! Go see your dr so they can do bloods and check that its continuing to rise=) Well done and good luck!! That little spirit obviously came back to you!

  5. It sounds like you're pregnant!  Congratulations!  I would have to think if it was a line from the miscarriage it would be very very faint.  Go ahead and celebrate, but call your doctor to get the blood test just to confirm!

  6. I agree -- if your other pregnancy tests were thin lines and now yours is thick, you're pregnant. But of course, you'll want to get a blood Beta test done to be sure, and also to let your doctor know to be super observant so that this one sticks. Best of luck!

  7. Only a doctor could tell you this answer...

    Go to the doctors and find out for sure, it will put your mind at ease....sorry for your loss and good luck ttc!!!

  8. Did your dr confirm your miscarriage? Because it sounds to me like you were pregnant all along. One of my friends hcg levels never showed up until she was 7 weeks pregnant, and then all of a sudden they were up really high.

    Anyway, I think you are pregnant. But your dr will confirm and an ultrasound will definately confrim dates for you. Congratulations!!

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