
Positve affect when cutting down forest?

by Guest57796  |  earlier

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Positve affect when cutting down forest?




  1. you get lots of paper farm land wood. you kill those pesky bears and rattle snakes. do you really want a bunch of bears and rattle snakes on your new farm or in your new paper mill? I dont mind them but I can see where others might not like that.


  2. More leaves fall down and soil organic matter increases first. After some years it will decrease in open situations.

  3. respect from the tiny village people?

  4. I have wood to build my house and space to put a long a$$ driveway to park my fossil fuel burning car!

  5. I guess you can see farther.

  6. only  positive  effect  i  can  think  of  is  to  limit  spread  of  forest  fire.  the other  effects  are  overwhelmingly  negative

  7. Money.... less animals to deal with

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