
Positve and negative back from the brink of death stories... do you have one?

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I have read many books on 'near death' experiences and always, the stories stop at the door to the other side. Stupid enough question, has anyone been to the other side? Can you remember being on the other side?

When I was 33, I had what was labelled, a heart infarction (those who know can enlighten me if you so want)... an elephant sat painfully on my chest, every bit of my body went cold as I waited for an ambulance that my husband was calling for.

The I was infused with the brightest scintillating love that went through every cell in my body. It's the only way I can describe it. The feeling is so real to this day. I just felt very loved and warm and cosy. The rest is probably as described in books I have since read, but I would like to hear some real stories if there are any. This topic has been covered before but nothing that grabs my attention has been written about it.




  1. Usually all of the books and sites about near death stories are all flowery and new agey. Here is a story that is interesting.

  2. I've heard a lot about them, and they definitely are interesting to say the least - I don't know how anyone could call themselves skeptic to this. They're very real experiences; I believe that your mind goes *somewhere* during this "brink of death" stage; perhaps moving through dimensions before reaching the final one (Heaven?). This, of course, is just one way I've interpreted it. My mother almost had an experience of the like; she fainted on the stairs about a year ago and remembers complete darkness and voices. A jumble of them, in her head; not belonging to my father or brother who were near her during the time. She tried to listen to what they were saying, but they were talking too fast for coherence. She finally snapped-to when I walked in and screamed for her; we're not sure what exactly caused her to pass out; she had the adult chicken pox, which is dangerous, but the doctors didn't see a reason for her to fall into unconsciousness.

    I think these experiences are very real, and those who succeed in coming back are blessed indeed by a miracle of sorts.

  3. Dear friend,

    Looks like you are curious to know what exactly happens after death or near death experiences. You can visit the following web links and I am sure that it will answer all your questions about this topic….


    above link will tell about near death experiences and visit next link to know ‘ Life after death’


    With warm regards,


  4. That's an interesting story.  How do you reconcile this experience?  Are you of the opinion there is a physiological explanation for this euphoria you experienced, or do you think there is an outside source to it?

    Personally I have not had any such experience.  However, I have read a bit and listened to a very informative podcast written by a physician where he discusses the medical definition of death and some of the physiological events which occur as our body shuts down.  It's called Quackcast if you're interested.  It's episode #23.

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