
Posse...what allyuh tink?

by  |  earlier

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i fine ah real sleepin dese days. ah goin in mih bed early buh by time in hit ten o clock so, i cyar keep my eye open. i sure i does be snorin by mih desk. when i reach home bout half pas 3 so, ah does ha to lie dong fuh about ah hour to ketch meself.




  1. wat vitamins u taking girl?

    try something like centrum or pharmaton.

    u sleeping well, so i doubt is stress really, hmmm....

    try a vitamin, dat'll keep your stamina up.

    the centrum is bout 75 cents..

    pharmaton bout $2.80..


    i feel i shud wuk in ah drug store...


    really nika?

    i always had the assumption dat with stress it was hard to sleep.

    well look i learn somethin..

    lez girl, if it really bothing your lifestyle, go to a doc, or atleast a pharmacy an tell dem how u feel..

  2. take it from me ..... is the heat!  any time you have to walk outside during the day, thats it.  Even if its just for 10 mins.  you need to lie down and rest to catch yourself.  and it seems as if, even with sleeping for the entire night, the heat not allowing your body to get enough not relaxing.  

    girl, i does be feeling the same way so i stock up on my multi vitamins.  and that and all not even lasting the entire day lol.


    before i go any further...

    Pssssssssssst, TS love the pink! dont you look HOT!!! sizzling!!!

    now allyuh have me worried, because i kinda have insomnia... i sleep in two hour snatches.  or may wake up and cant get back to sleep.  i know that recently ive been under a lot of stress on work eh, but i never thought that that may the reason that im sleepy all the time.  hmmm. so i hadda go to the doc about the headache and sleeping too much. and stress.

    I know for sure that i have low iron count, and a hormone imbalance so im guessing that i have lots to talk to the doc about.

  3. Start taking iron pills @ hotta..those help  a lottttttttttttt...

    U shud try seeing a doc girl.. cuz d same ting used to happen to me.. my doc related it to stress...

  4. Not tuh pick a fight or nuttin wit meh girl Re$h dey, but my doctor told me that stress and overwork can cause you to sleep more. I had the same problem not that long ago. It was easy enough to fix. Vitamins (but your doctor needs to tell you which one), supplements (like an omega 3 capsule daily) and a change in diet (e.g. if you eat mainly fast food it has no real nutitional value, so it will be hard for your body to keep up). But you should be seen by a doctor so he can rule out hormonal imbalances/changes or the onset of chronic fatigue syndrome or any other health problems.


    Re$h, yeah girl. I didna know dat neida till last year. It was gettin real bad. I had de boys wit me in Canada and de hubs was in the US. All I wanted to do was sleep and it got so bad I spoke to de docs and he said it was the stress of the situation and the work involved with managing de chirren on my own was makin meh body misbehave. Is like yuh brain constantly on de go tirin yuh out in de process and yuh body need tuh shut down just tuh make yuh brain shut up, so tuh speak. Well, he told me take extra iron pills, omega 3, add more iron rich food to meh diet (bhajee and liver---oh GEED), and get more rest (HA).

    Lez, just rememba dat all situations are diffrent doh, an it betta tuh see a doc who knows you well, so dey dont tink yuh lazy or crazy or sumtin. Some a dem like dat. Steups.

  5. Gurl yuh doh ha to tell me twice about that.

    I used to be the same way and I thought it was all that the everybody mention. I even thought ah had diabeties.

    Anyway, I went to the doctor and she set me up with a sleep test.  The first night they find that I was snoring and not breathing right and after I slept my oxygen intake was 86% when it should be 98%.  So I had sleep APNEA. The second night they hook meh up to a CPAP machine to breath. Girl I never felt so refreshed in years. I got up at 4 am and felt like a new person.

    That first day not even feeling sleepy. Now I have that machine and its like ah refresh drug when I use it.

    Yuh know I like to joke but this thing aint ah joke. Go check with your doctor and see what's up.

    Much love TS.

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