
Possibilities for Shawn Johnson to Bounce Back at Olympics 2012

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Possibilities for Shawn Johnson to Bounce Back at Olympics 2012
Shawn Johnson, the stellar performer and Beijing Olympics gold medallist, who had been severely stuck into a totally different routine of life than of an athlete has vowed to bounce back and defend her title at the coming London Olympics 2012.
Merely 18 years old girl who has been grappling with the efforts to maintain her fitness and stamina made it to the gold medal at Beijing Olympics when she was only 16. Winning a gold medal at such a tender age and amid possessing a bright catching smile
made the business companies of the US rush for her, as for the next two years or so she had been observed endorsing selling campaigns of dozens of products including the big names like coca-cola and McDonald.
Not only that, there had been countless concerts, chat shows, parties and numerous live dance programmes on a wide number of TV channels who made it obligatory to have the girl on board. For past two years, she has been spending the life of a Hollywood star,
completely giving up her training sessions for keeping in form being a marvellous athlete. After Beijing Olympics, Johnson could not participate in any other major athletics and sports event which have raised serious concerns over her future as a gymnast.
Moreover, for all that time, she had been totally away from routine practice; in the meanwhile, she also got his knee seriously injured which was perhaps the biggest hurdle for the gymnastics contestant. However, despite of all that the girl still has the
nerve to vow for putting all of her efforts into making it to the medal in the London Olympics 2012.
At a time when analysts around the world were of the view that the media commitments of young Johnson would keep her even from participating into the coming big event, she surprised them all. Including her fans when she instantly announced to quite business
endorsing campaigns and attending the chat shows to pursue her career as a gymnast all over again. The girl is now vigorously spending 4 hours a day, 6 days a week on her training. She is determined to put coming two years in acute preparations for hitting
the podium once again.
While talking to the media, Johnson said that it was quite difficult for her to make it to the top position again as the competition level have been all times high.
“Regaining the momentum in gymnastics is almost impossible, and when you have also had an injury, you should not even try for that, however, still I want to go for it, I believe I have the potential to depict good performance” Said the ambitious girl.
Among others, a major worry for Johnson had been her loneliness; at a time when all of her friends are heading for an independent adult life, being the only child, she is to keep living with her parents. Her mother who has been really attached with her expressed
that she did not really like her daughter indulging into such a hectic routine of life. However, she said that if her daughter was contended with the new routine, she was not to put any objection upon that.
On a visit to her home, Johnson told the media correspondent that she was taking good care of her diet as this was the only thing which could support and provide energy for tiring four hours of practice. She said that several glasses of milk, a considerably
large bowl of yogurt and lot of chocolate has been a part of her routine diet. Johnson, the determined looking girl told the media correspondent that the best moment of her entire life was when she made it to the gold medal at Beijing Olympics and it was still
something unbelievable for her.
18-years old Johnson though looked emotionally attached with gymnastics, however, rest of the corners of her life were totally like that of any ordinary teenage as she expressed that she loved to watch movies, to listen to the songs and like being with the
friends. The young talented girl said that she also liked poetry and had been trying her hands with the pen as well.



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