
Possibility of conceiving a girl if you o****m?

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I am aware of the shettles method that says if you want to conceive a girl then the female should avoid an o****m until after the male has his. I was wondering if any of you ladies have had an o****m before your partner and still conceived a girl. Thanks!




  1. myth. and i cant remember what happened 4 years ago but i have a boy and a girl

  2. Your conception chances can go up if you o****m after the sperm is already at the cervix, because o****m will make the cervix dip into the pool of sperm and pick some of it up. So it can make you pregnant, but I'm afraid the gender selection aspect of this method is hocus pocus. However, it is absolutely true that 'girl' sperm live longer than 'boy' sperm (which in turn swim quicker) but this seems to work more in theory than in practice.

  3. I have and we're 98% sure we're getting a girl.  A lot of that stuff is made up.  There is no way to conceive a particular gender.

  4. i thought all fetus's are techinically female up untill around 15- 20 weeks?

    this is why men have nipples as they developed before the sexual organs and also gender is determind by how much testosterone the fetus recieves during development, therefore a babies gender is not decided at the moment of conception.

    i am no scientist but im sure this is true.

    btw i would love a girl lol xxxxx

  5. Money for old rope.

  6. yes and that is an old wives tale, not true

  7. Scientists say that the sperm is what carries the boy/girl gene. So really nothing has to do with the woman.

    The boy gene sperm swim faster and quicker but tire out sooner.

    The girl gene sperm swim slower and more pased and live up to several housr longer.

    The only thing I can think of, is when you o****m it opens up the cervix which could help the girl gene sperm get farther up in there.  

  8. That's a myth and simply not true.  

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