
Possibility of moving parakeets outdoors in New Jersey?

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Hey, folks, we recently acquired three parakeets, and they're great birds, but they won't shut up. They start about 6AM and make noise all day until night. We have had parakeets in the past, and never had this issue. I feel as if they are driving me INSANE, because I have to get up at 6AM with them, and I'm not an early riser! lol

So, my question is, can I move them outdoors, in New Jersey? Will they be safe year round, or should I bring them in once the weather cools down? If so, how would I go about building an aviary for them?

Any useful advice appreciated.




  1. I live in Jersey and trust me, they will NOT survive. With all the animals and temperatures rising and dropping, theres no chance. Cover their cage and don't uncover it until you're ready to get up, even if they are making noise becuase then they'll get used to it.

  2. Parakeets will not survive outdoors. Temps go up and down too quickly and then there are drafts. Predators at night is an issue. Why not find a new home for the keets and for yourself a less chatty bird. Green Cheek Conures are great. Mine have nothing to say in the morning until they see me up and about. They go to bed as soon as it gets dark. A Cockatiel isnt noisy like the parakeets either, and less costly than the Conure. Aviaries are pretty costly to build. I have one, but I also have 28 birds. My opinion is I wouldnt do it for just a couple of Parakeets. I'm in Pa., so I know the type of weather you have. I dont believe they would survive for long outdoors.

  3. Put a blanket over the cage until they quiet down then take it off.  If you put a blanket on the cage they will shut up.  Putting them outside will kill them.  Just dont leave the blanket on all the time because over time it will become ineffective.  You should only use a blanket as a "time out" and when you are sleeping at night.  Hopefully that will help.

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