
Possible 12 month deployment?

by Guest66667  |  earlier

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My husband left in june for a 15 month deployment... is there a chance that it could get cut to 12 months because starting tomorrow the tours to iraq are 12 months instead of the 15 month?




  1. It looks like it. President Bush just announced 31 Jul 09 for troop withdrawel from Iraq. YEAH!!!!

  2. There is always a chance that it could...anything is possible. But I would not count on it. The return to 12 month deployments, as of right now, only affects units deploying on or after Aug 1 2008.  

  3. things change in the military all the time--so yes it's possible BUT don't expect it...that way if it does end up happening it will be a nice surprise :)  Make sure you are in a Wives support group on base--hang in there & Good luck!

  4. EXTREMELY slim.   the change is for upcoming deployments, not current ones.  

  5. Depends on when you runit implements this.

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