
Possible Chupacabra sighted, 8/12/2008! What do you think??

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If you ask me, it looks like a freak of nature according to it's image revealed in this video - odd looking snout too. Also, I don't think it's a chupacabra- I'm a skeptic. It's funny how they didn't catch it either :\




  1. its funny how people can sit and make fun of the belief in something like a chupacabra... every name of a so called mystery is simply a reality waiting to be fulfilled. since no one knows exactly what the answer to the mystery is all answers are valid until disproven. so sure it could be a cupacabra to some folks... maybe it is a cyote with mange or some kind of inbred fox, but maybe thats what a goat sucker just happens to be...

    it does have short front forelegs and longer hind, pls a long snout... it isnt what i would have pictured from some descriptions, but others could well fit with this. the question to me is, if this were an undiscovered species... would scientist validate anyones beleifs by naming a it a chupacabra, or would they simply create their own name and continue calling the locals crazy for beleiving in chupacabras.

    most of the time thats how science works... all the africans beleiving in the wild men of the jungle were crazy and superstitious before the discovery of the "mountain gorilla" then science went "oh there are no wild men of the jungle, but we found this we didnt know about before. we're gonna call it a mountain gorilla. so no there are no "wild men of the jungle" the locals are just stupid"

    sorry for the heavy handed sarcasm... but sometimes the pompousness of some people upsets me.

  2. I think it's just a coyote or something. It doesn't look all that special to me. Especially when the actual Chupacabra is supposed to resemble a kangaroo or something along those lines.

  3. I agree with you. They automatically assume it's a chupacabra when they have no proof it's just a funny looking animal that could just be hurt or something.  

  4. I think I'm tired of seeing this question.  With minimum effort, you could have searched and seen that around 10 other people have already asked this.  So don't waste our time posting it AGAIN, just go read the OTHER posts.

  5. It's probably from some animal inbreeding!

  6. That's a Chupacabra if I ever saw one...

  7. The dead one looks like a dog that was doused in gasoline and set on fire.  The facial distortions are consistent with severe burn injury.  What I want to know is why the SPCA isn't investigating what appears to be a case of gross animal cruelty.  The living creature seen in the video appears too indistinct to judge.  But having grown up in the part of the world where the legend of Chupacabra is well-known, I would not expect said creature to look anything like what appears in the video.  For instance, where's its horns?

  8. Hoax.

  9. I don't think its a chupacabra cuz they aren't real

  10. I agree with you, I'm just not convinced that it's a chupacabra. It does have a funny looking snout though huh?

  11. i think they are overreacting on some deformed coyote perhaps or maybe a new breed we never know, i mean if you look at the physical features of a chupacabra then it might fit the description but probably not the actually powers of the myth...

  12. The earth used to be flat.

    People thought sailors were crazy when they spoke of giant squid hundreds of years ago. Now we know they live at the bottom of the ocean. Along with other life that we couldn't even imagine.

    The Europeans dismissed accounts by natives of hairy humans. The Gorilla was discovered (by the white man) less than 150 years ago. Natives knew about them for thousands. but the natives were crazy too.

    Dinosaurs were scientific impossibilities. So was an airplane and space travel used to be science fiction.

    Humans standing 10 feet and more was a figment of the Bibles imagination, the result they say of "sons of God" aka aliens and humans.

    The skeletons found all over the world prove itself.

    Rats as big as cars? Impossible, until you find the skeleton. (saw that the other day! weighed 1000 pounds!)

    "Beam me up Scottie". Scientist have been able to do that in the lab with photons. Now they are trying with atoms. Saw that on a future tech show. Like the scientist said, Star Trek takes place 300 years in the future. By that time we will have developed the technology to be able to beam Scottie up.

    Now are aliens that unbelievable. Do you still believe if there is life it would take them millions of years to reach us. Really?

    Second Dimension beings think the ones that theorize about the Third Dimension are crazy yet here we are!

    As to this mystery animal. I saw it. And it is a freak of nature because I don't think nature created it. There is an animal testing facility not far from the site were it washed up. Impossible?

    So was the test tube baby! Moon landing and the Illuminati.

    A world population hooked to a central computer and everybody with chips in them. Impossible!

    We are all hooked to a central computer right now. But a chipped population, who would go for that. Impossible?

    It's starting already. With pets. Just in case he gets lost. We managed to hold on to our pets for thousands of years now. But now they need to be tracked at all times. Impossible?

    What if there was a mass of child abductions. Parents would be lining up to chip there kids! the impossible is now not only possible it is probable!

  13. not chupacabra just another weird looking animal

  14. maybe its too dangerous to catch, and i thought it was a dog at first but when i saw the snout i new it wasnt a dog! i dont think its a chupacabra either because i was watching unsolved mysteries (a tv show)  and it didnt look anything like it!

  15. In July 2004, a rancher near San Antonio, Texas, killed a hairless dog-like creature, which was attacking his livestock.This animal, initially given the name the Elmendorf Beast, was later determined by DNA assay conducted at University of California, Davis to be a coyote with demodectic or sarcoptic mange. In October 2004, two more carcasses were found in the same area. Biologists in Texas examined samples from the two carcasses and determined they were also coyotes suffering from very severe cases of mange

    In almost every case I've found like this (all in Texas and Mexico) the animal was found to be a coyote or fox with some sort of physical deformation and severe mange.

    This case (also in Southern Texas) doesn't appear to be any different.

    It sounds to me like southern Texas has a severe mange problem in their wildlife population.

  16. I think it looks remarkably like a small deer, especially the head. Like you, I'm a skeptic. =l

  17. It's no 'mythical creature' and I don't know why they call it a chupacabra! A chupacabra is a blood sucking beast that many say look like some aleinated form of sasquatch. Show me a

    chupacabra-witness drawing that matches the dog freaky thing, and then give it that name.

  18. Bullsh!t.  That's what I think.

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