
Possible? I need some assurance that I'm doing this right.

by  |  earlier

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Last month my period was on the 10th, like always, and was over about the 16th, like always, a week. So if i tried to concieve from the 19th to the 24th every other day in that time frame...I could possibly be pregnant...right? Im not sure if I'm doing this ttc thing correctly. I should be starting my period on the 10th, just want to know if I might be dissapointed or happy at that time.




  1. what you would need to go and get is Ovulation Kits to see when you are ovulating as some women dont allways ovulate on the same days every month. if your period does not come on the 10th then wait 3 weeks and do a pregnancy test.  Baby dust to you.

  2. How long are your cycles?  

    You ovulate 14 days prior to the start of your menstrual cycle.  If you have normal 28 day cycles, then you would ovulate on day 14 of your cycle, but if your cycles are 26 days you would ovulate on day 12 and if your cycles are 30 days, you would ovulate on day 16...

    The 24th would have been your expected ovulation date, based on a normal 28 day cycle.  Your timing was pretty good, but I would have continued for another day or two after the 24th for good measure.  

    I hope this helps, and wish you the best!

  3. Sounds like you did it right. I hope you are. Like you, I had my period on the 12th and ended on the 17th. We had s*x the 18th, 20, 22, 23, & 24. Ovulation was expected on the 25th. I hope I'm pregnant too. I expect my period on the 8th. GOOD LUCK!!!

  4. ovulation  normally happens anywhere between 11-21 days following the last menstrual period, or 12-16 days from when you expect the next menstrual period to start.

    check out this link there's a lot of info on this site

  5. I think what we are all needed to know and lacking that would help us give you better answers is how long your cycle is.  From the way I read your question you are saying that your last period started on July 10th and your next period will start on August 10th. If this is correct that would mean that your cycle is 32 days long.  That being said most women ovulate approximately 14 days (give or take a day or two) BEFORE their next expected period. that would mean that your approximate ovulation date would have been July 27th. If that is right you may have a slight chance of conceiving from any sperm left over from BD on the 24th as Sperm can live for 3-4 days. However there is a chance of being disappointed when the 10th comes around as it is best to BD as close to ovulation as possible.  I wish you luck and a BFP, but if that is not what you get I would suggest for next cycle that you use an ovulation prediction kit so you know for sure when you will be ovulating. Baby Dust!

  6. Yes you could.  You should bd 10-14 days after the first day of your period if you have a normal 28 day cycle.  So it seems like you bd during the right time!  It takes a normal, healthy couple 8-12 months to conceive, so don't be disappointed if you are not.  Make sure you are taking prenatal as well.

    Best of luck and baby dust to you!

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