
Possible LeBron free agency places

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ok, here are the possible places i've heard LeBron has a good chance to go to:

Brooklyn Nets

NY Knicks

Cleveland Cavs

The Greece Team that signed Josh Childress (from what I've heard, they are currently working on a MONSTER deal to bring LeBron to Greece, with more than 20 mil and marketing deals all over Europe, even though this scenario is pretty unlikely)

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  1. If Lebron is looking for money he is going to Europe, if he is looking for an NBA Championship ask me in two years because it depends who the knicks or nets have.

  2. Go TO L.A. lebron with baron davis

  3. deep down inside he wants to play for the knicks no way hes staying with the cavs unless they give him a killer deal but i thin if greece gives him a 25 - 30 mil contract hes out of here but then again hes one of the faces of the nba dont think he will leave all his indorsments so i think knicks will land him if they lose contracts like after this year

  4. I say to Europe. The european currency is slowly increasing and you don't have to pay any taxes. However, you would have to adapt to your environment.  

  5. I think it's possible considering the fact that he will still play basketball and earn more money. It will really come down who will be the highest bidder. He will still have a chance to come back in the US. Also, European Basketball is very competitive right now.

  6. 1st I say he stays in CLE barring any major turn of events, ie major drama w/ owner or if he feels team is not attempting to get better.

    If there is any chance he leaves though, he is going to the Brooklyn Nets. We all heard about the JayZ friendship and its no secret they are dumping their cap to make an open hole for an Opportunity to sign him. New Building, New City, New Franchise player.

    He is not going to Greece, sure the $ is sick; but he is not gonna abandon the league he grew up watching. He wants to make an imprint on his legacy in the NBA, going across seas really voids his #s.  Plus as seen w/ Tiger Woods, marketing deals in the US are lucrative.

  7. This is tough to answer because who knows what the state of the Nets, Knicks, or Cavs will be by 2010? I say for sure he wont go to Greece, but he will say hes considering it just to get as much money possible from whatever NBA team he chooses. Its all going to come down to the combination of who can give him the most money, and more importantly, a chance to win a championship. The Cavs need to get another All Star on that team before 2010 or LeBron is going to leave. He doesnt care that hes from Cleveland, he wants to win a championship. If he has to go somewhere else, then he'll do it. I think all that Jay-Z talk is just hype. LeBrons not gonna play for Hov just cause theyre friends. Hes gonna go wherever hes gotta go to get a ring. and im out

  8. the cavs are screwed if they dont sign him, they need to get him a good supporting cast or he'll leave

  9. the cavs will get extremely abused and the whole frachise could be in big trouble if they dont sign lebron! in this instance with the cavs offering all that they are able ,lebron should just take it (unless cleveland tries to really LOW-BALL him!)

  10. Brooklyn Nets or the New York Knicks.

  11. watever team offer hims the most

    so greedy..wants to be a billionaire

    doesnt even pick up the bill wen he eats with guests

  12. i heard hes going to knicks with d-wade.. i dunno if this is true

  13. i do not think lebron would even consider for a half second going to play in greece. i think brooklyn might be the ones to snag him, unfortunately because i love him on the cav's, i will be sad to see him go if he does

  14. He could go to Brooklyn because of his realtionship w/ Jay-Z. Plus him and VC look very nice to me.

    The knicks possibly because of Dantoni's style of play and they will have the cap with everyone there now probably will be gone.

    Cleveland because its his home state team.

    Olympiacos BC because their owners are billionaires. In the NBA the most you can get a yr is 20 mil. They can give LeBron @ least 50 mil a yr because there is no Salary Cap over there. Plus if he goes here he doesn't stay national he becomes global so his marketing would drastically increase. Also they said they would go after Kobe next off-season.

    However I see him going to Brooklyn because Jay-Z told him whoever you want we will get. They already will have VC so Finals or bust really.

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