
Possible Yeast Infection?

by  |  earlier

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I remember I used to get them when I was younger but not for years

I'm 16, not sexually active. I have a slight white-ish coloured discharged ocassionally, but not all the time. I came off antibiotics 2 weeks ago and this has been going on for about a week. No oder. Just very itchy and occasional discharge. Should I see a doctor, or is there something I can buy over the counter? Is there anything I can do in the meantime?




  1. there's tons of stuff you can buy over the counter.

    DONT GET MONISTAT! it makes the itching 10x worse

    then it gets better. I think its horrible. i will never use it again.

  2. yeah, considering you've been on antibiotics. yeast infections do not have to have any particular odor. in fact they are not "tru e infection" yeast is always present and should be in the v****a, it is simply an overgrowth of yeast. Dilucan is a pill a dr. can prescribe which you normally take one or two doses of, however it doesn't immediatley treat the itch and pain. so you can buy over the counter monostat or any other otc which comes with an external cream as well. in fact you can use this without seeing a dr. but it takes daily internal application for about a week and it's messy.

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