
Possible animal abuse. wht should i do?

by  |  earlier

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i'm in an apartment and this puppy has been barking yelping and whining for a half an hour. it just stopped raining a few minutes ago and the owners aren't doing a thing. they ARE HOME! but they aren't doing anything. it's sad and i'm getting mad that i can't do a thing. the owners are an immature couple that think they're tough stuff. the s****. preppy "were richer than you" kind of people. I HATE THEM!! the poor puppy's been pacing back and forth biting on the furniture. i want to call the cops because they leave the poor thing alone locked outside on the balcony probably like 10 feet wide by 4 feet long outward with their c**p blocking room for it.




  1. That's not really abuse, I think you're overreacting.  

  2. call your local animal welfare,the police wont do anything.the animal welfare in your area will come out and investigate

  3. its sad but its not animal abuse..  

  4. If you know and have proof its really bad, call the authorities, NOW!

    No time to waste if an animal is in distress.

    Make sure you have valid reasons and are completely sure before you call.

    Or just lodge a complaint. Keep calm and really re-evaluate the situation.

    Good Luck

  5. Yes you can Call The animal control it's not that severe so they will just talk to them about it. but if it continues they will follow up on the case

  6. No time to waste! Call the cops and save that poor little thing.HURRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    I HATE THOSE PEOPLE!!!!!!!They should learn a lesson.and learn that if you bought the pet you have to take care of the animal.Just like when you born a baby you gotta take care of it.PLease Hurry!!!!!


                               SAVE THE ANIMALS!!!!!!!!!!

  7. if you haven't already knock on their door and ask them to keep the dog quiet. if they refuse call the police / animal services.

  8. contact the owner of the apartments or if your SURE its animal abuse then contact the police...(911) whatever you want to call it.

  9. omg i can't imagine what kind of pain that poor puppy  might be in!

    please hurry and do something.

    the people next door shouldnt even consider owning a pet if they cant take care of it!

    i think you should first talk to them to see if they are considering to take better care of it or give it up for adoption

    but if they don't do anything then i think you should find the puppy a new home.

    he's still young, we shouldnt give him a bad idea of how humans are

  10. sounds like your'e jealous mind your own business.

  11. Knock on the door and tell them their dog is making too much noise. Or if you don't want to do that, call your apartment manager and lodge a complaint. If after a few days and the dog is still barking, call animal control.

  12. Call your local humane society and complain. They will check that the puppy is being treated well, or remove it and find it an awesome home.

    Call your apartment manager and complain. They may not have paid the deposit and most have strict rules about pets. They may get told it has to be inside.

  13. Call your county animal shelter and ask them. Or your local humane society. They'll tell you what to do. The owners must provide shelter, access to food and water. You could always complain about the barking to the landlord too...

  14. Call the cops. Teach them a lesson.

  15. Does it have proper shelter? You really didn't explain where it's at well enough. If you feel somethings wrong then call the cops, We can't really help you since we can't see the situation

  16. call animal control....the first time they will only get a warning, but if you keep calling eventually they will get cited/pup taken away. Make sure you have proof.  

  17. Maybe ask them if they wouldn't mind if you could volunteer to walk the dog for them.

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