one of our horses was leaving for a show sunday. (last sunday). He went into the trailer fine, and so my friend was trying to get her horse to load. She convinced us her horse would load right away. She started working her horse behind the trailer and so my horse looked out, got his head stuck, freaked out and his legs fell under him. (it was a straight load). He broke the butt bar, came out with his right back leg up to his belly.
We immediately thought he had broken it. So we had the vet come out, vet said he should be fine and just give him a few weeks. We checked on him last night and he still has swelling there. he is very uneasy to put any weight on it, there is odd swelling. (some of the skin sticks out like a bug bite). if you can picture what i mean. We had him trot and he limped, it was bad. So we called the vet, and she is having us put put poultice on it and wrap it like a abcess. with ducktape. (she thinks there could be a possible abcess, if we are lucky). There was heat in the heel bulbs and we will be checking on him tonight again.
The vet says there is a possibility that he has broken his navicular, or fractured it. If he isnt doing better in the next day or two, he will be getting x rays.
Any ideas? (please no kid answers)