
Possible caught speeding??

by  |  earlier

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yesterday i might have been caught speeding by a police van parked at the side of the road.

now it mas a 30mph zone. and i think i could of being doing around 40-50

should i be having a visit from a copper if i was caught because of the speed???? or is it the usual letter with the fine and points?




  1. if they didn't pull you over and they dont have your picture your free as can be... if you saw a flash and they snapped your picture expect a letter in the mail...

  2. If you were caught, a letter or a citation with come in the mail.  I copper will only come if you are really bad and have a ton of unpaid tickets or an arrest warrant.

    Slow down.  They have sped limits for a reason.  What if you hit someone while speeding?  It could ruin both your lives.


    The Cat Lady

  3. buddy, if u get a letter then u get caught by the cops. me n my buddies always get caught, n we get a letter, but i hope u didnt get caught pal. gud luck buddy.

  4. So you didn't like the answers you got yesterday whn you asked this.

    If you got caught and they got your vehicle number - you will receive a letter in the post and get points and a fine.

  5. I was caught in the same way. After about two weeks I received a letter asking me to confirm that I was the driver.

    A week later I received another letter offering me the chance to go on a speed awareness course in exchange for no points on my license and no fine. I think these courses are only available if you have not been done for speeding in the last two years.

  6. Will be the usual letter with a fine and points, unless you are at your limit with points then it will be a court case and disqualification.

  7. If this was a camera van, you can expect a "Nipper", or Notice of Intended Prosecution, within 14 days.  I had one the other week, and as far as I know the procedure is the same across the country.

    The first letter you receive will include a form asking whether you were driving, and if not who was.  If you say you don't know, they will either assume it was you, or summons you for failing to provide details (which doesn't give you points, but is likely to cost about £400 instead of £60).

    Once you've sent that, and assuming that they measured you at 40 - 50mph, they should send you another letter, asking if you want to accept a fixed penalty - £60 and 3 points.  If you were above 50, but that may vary slightly from area to area, then you will automatically get a summons to court.

    Speed Awareness courses are only offered to those just above the speed limit (up to about 37mph in a 30).

  8. It will just arrive in the post.  You may be fined or may have to go to court.

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