
Possible chance of becoming my next boyfriend?

by  |  earlier

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We work together and have been really talking for 3 weeks now. We went out on are first date wed it was dinner to-go from this restaurant we both love and we went to this place by the river and ate under the starts with a view of a bridge. Than yesterday I meet up with him after he was done working and we went to a park and just talked until are manager called and asked if we could come in for like 2 hours... So we worked by were flirting the whole time cause we were still pretty much on are date lol... Than after we went to the river and just held each other under the starts and kissed. After I was driving this time before he left we kissed again and as I turned around he pulled me back over and kissed me again leaving me speechless... He than called me this morning.... Is their a chance this will lead to more than dating...




  1. Reading your question has left me breathless!! You have more than a fair chance that this will lead to more than dating. Trust me.

    Forget about defining anything, just enjoy the relationship. :)

  2. Yes i am sure it will.

    It sounds like this guy has fallen for you.

    have fun

  3. Sounds like this could lead to a serious relationship. You probably should have the DTR (Defining the Relationship) talk.  

  4. yep

  5. Yes, definitely! Hope things go well!

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