
Possible eye problems?

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I have an eye appointment coming up. the problems ive been have with my vision is that my eyes are extremely sensitive to seriously squinting all the time....even in winter the light still bothers me. and i cant see very far.....i honestly had to guess the letters to pass the eye exam for my drivers license. anybody know roughly what i could expect as a diagnoses so i can do some research?




  1. Don't worry, dude. There are two basic reasons which cause photophobia.

    According to your symptoms, it is most possible to be a inflammatory response in the forepart of your eyes, e.g. conjunctivitis, keratitis, corneal foreign bodies, corneal scarification, corneal ulcer, iritis, iridocyclitis and so on. You should go to see your doctor for a confirmed diagnosis, and then he will prescribe a suitable drops or other treatment. Many eye drops can ease the symptom of photophobia, most of which are prescription drugs.

    In addition, some systemic diseases also induce sensitivity to light, e.g. hemicrania, prosopalgia, meningitis, subarachnoid hemorrhage,

    hyperthyroidism or head trauma.Some glaucoma patient can't stand sunlight as well. These systemic diseases above are all treatable by surgery or drug therapies, and of course the symptom of photophobia can be alleviated, too.

    I think the first one—eye inflammation is the most possible one. Those disease will not s***w up your drivers license. Trust me, they don't have the rights to withdraw your drivers license for that.

    Good luck, dude !

  2. It's normal, you just are going to most likely going to be prescribed contacts or glasses. As for the Sensitive to light im not sure what that is.

    Oh and in the winter your the snow reflects off the sun and is much brighter then in the summer. Your eyes can actually get sunburned in the winter because it is so bright.
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