
Possible fight?

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at my school we have a soccer match against another class and me and this other guy really hate eachother i think theres gonna be a fight we had a little fight but teacher broke it up. he is taller than me lankey but im skinny best way to take him down??? of course i will try and avoid the fight but we are enemies so im not promising peace!

yes i am in school coz im from England we have the holidays in 3 weeks!!!!!




  1. Learn Some Jiu-Jitsu off Youtube for a day. Might help but might not.

  2. Honestly,

    take off your shoes and punish him with leg kicks first. Then after he' s had enough, take him to the ground then start pounding away at him.

    Use elbows!!!

  3. Yeah Sean is correct, but make sure you learn simple moves ONLY. More complicated moves require an instructor, but simple moves can be done pretty easily. Or go to and have a look at some of their self defense videos.

  4. Learn Jiu-Jitsu

  5. Run up behind him and kick him in the balls, he will bend, and try to turn. When he turns stay on his side, that way his weapons (feet and hands) will be pointed away from you. Stay on the side no matter where he moves. Punch him in the head again. His reaction will be to duck, then while still on his side, grab his head and start kneeing him in the face. Dont let go and keep kneeing until he is unconcious. Then tell you mom to post bail money, cause you will go to jail. But at least you will have taken him down.

  6. You won't learn any good jiu jitsu in one day. Punch him in the nose before he punches you. That will stun him. Then just tackle him and beat him while he's down.

  7. kick him in the nuts and bite his ears always works
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