
Possible hamster breeding.

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My parents approved of me breeding my hamster with my cousins. My cousins are coming over with their hamster Saturday, I am pretty sure I'm going to breed them. Don't give me c**p about don't breed them, you don't even have a good reason, animal abuser, ect. I DO have a good reason. Anyway, I need tips about breeding hamsters. Please help.

Thanks in advance!




  1. I have never bred hamsters, but I did purchase one that turned out to be preggers so I have some experience.  After she surprised me with six brand new babies, I had to do some research.  

    This is perhaps the best site I found:

    Hope it helps and good luck!

    PS. If you're set on doing it, I say go for it, but be responsible and make sure you separate the babies before they can breed with one another!

  2. I "bred" my hamsters once. In reality, we had already had a boy hampster and then we bought a girl. About two weeks later they were having s*x ALL THE TIME! (very unsettling for a 7 year old). My hampster ended up having babies so we did something right.

    They seem to have no problem wih discretion. So they will do it everwhere. Also make sure they have s*x as many times as they seriously my hamsters had been having s*x for a good week before she got pregnant (I actually didnt know she was preggo until she had babies). So my advice would be keep them hooking up all day long and make sure you don' know...separate them because that would stress them out. Happy Hampster Breeding!

  3. when my cousin breed his hamsters. The parents started to bite the babies and they killed all of it and there was blood every where. I don't know why that happened but it did..  

  4. What is the reason?

    What is their background?  If they are from a pet shop, you don't know their history genetically.  They were mass-produced, and could be hiding all sorts of nasty little disorders.

    How old is the female?  After a certain age, her pelvis will fuse, making it very dangerous to deliver.

    Are you prepared that the introductions may not go well, resulting in the injury/death of either one or both hamsters?

    Really, I think that if you did have a good reason to bring more hamsters into an already overpopulated world, your best bet would be to find a breeding mentor (Someone who already responsibly breeds hamsters.) and from there decide on how to pick good stock, and the proper way to breed.


  6. ok....

    care of a pregnant hamster

    extra bedding materials such as soft hay she will make a nest

    plenty of fresh drinking water she will also benefit from milk at thisd time

    her normal diet increased in quality and quanity it particulary protein

    wear stout gloves as they may fight

    do it in neutral cage aka bath

    do not leave them alone for a second

  7. what kind of hamster you have, roborovski is easiest to breed and have a guaranteed the breed will alive and been eat    

  8. Have you read ?

  9. lol. you posted this on lol. breed away!!!!!

  10. What precisely IS your good reason for wanting to breed your hamster? How old are both the hamsters? Where did you get them from? That information is needed before anyone can give good advice

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