
Possible miscarriage??? Please help!!!

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Ok so I just got my BFP on Monday and went and seen my doctor on Thursday (which was yesterday). Needless to say I woke up this morning bleeding. I know this is gonna sound gross but I need some reassurance. I went to the doctor this morning and because I'm only 4 weeks and 6 days nothing showed up on the ultrasound which was normal given the time of conception. The tech did say that my cervix was closed and everything else looked good, but as far as establishing pregnancy she couldn't say because fetal heart tones do not appear till at least six weeks. So they took my blood and did an hcg level test but did not tell me what my levels were. The also want me to come back monday and do it again to see if my levels dropped. I cant wait till monday. We have been ttc for 8 months then it finally happens and now I'm really upset. My bleeding is very light. I have the same pad on since 7 this morning and it is now 3:30 and its no where near full. As a matter of fact the blood is only in one spot. And its pink in color when I wipe. Please help!! what is this?? Am I still pregnant or am I miscarrying?? Ive had no cramps and like I said I'm barely bleeding. Anything will help!! thanks in advance!!




  1. Some spotting/light bleeding is normal in early pregnancy.  Your body is changing at a rapid pace.  No cramps and very little bleeding is a good sign.

    I had a miscarriage in March and it started with very faint spotting and no cramps.  My cervix was closed on the Wed I got checked, had the ultrasound on Thurs, got the bad news and expelled everything on wasn't until Friday that I experienced the cramping.

    If you are uncomfortable waiting until Monday, maybe go to the ER if you notice the bleeding hasn't stopped by tomorrow afternoon or so.  Your peace of mind will be worth it.  I'm sure everything wil be ok, just stay off your feet, keep your stress level as low as you can and just rent some movies, spend time with your hubby and have a "do nothing" weekend.....  

  2. I had some heavy, red blood with my son at 7 weeks pregnant....and now he's right here in the same room with me about to turn 6 years old.  So, sit tight and see how your levels ride out.  Either way, I wish you the best of luck.  

  3. first of all sweety calm down and relax. stress can cause a miscarriage. if you are only spotting a little it could be fine. if the doctor thought you were having a miscarriage he would have told you. i have miscarried and it was like having a heavy period. the cramps were not terrible but they were there and they felt different from any i had ever had.  

  4. It is certainly not going to help by stressing out to the max. Take a deep breath.. and just try to chill out. Ok. Spotting a little is normal in some cases and could very well be nothing at all. I also had spotting and had my HCG levels checked on a Thursday and had to go back that following Monday to have them checked again. That was a tough weekend.. but everything was fine. They found I had a subchorionic hematoma and that is what caused the spotting. I'm now 14 weeks and had a little spotting again and it is from the same hematoma. Everything is great. Remember.. if it IS a miscarriage there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop it. It's in the Lord's hands. You are not alone and my prayers are with you.  

  5. Hi, just wanted to tell you that when, I was about 3 months pregnant, I woke up to some bleeding, but it was only like when you barely start your period it was red and it only happened that time, I didn't have any cramping either, but I'm glad to say that my daughter is now 9 yrs. old and no complications during birth.

  6. It is easier said than done but do your best to relax and not stress out. Stressing yourself out is not good for you or your baby. It doesn't sound like you are having a miscarriage to me, and I've had three. You are pretty early into your pregnancy so they won't be able to really see anything. If the bleeding isn't heavy, there are no clots, and you aren't experiencing any cramps, it sounds like things are fine. They want you to return on Monday just so they can make sure that the numbers are doubling like they should. They are suppose to double every other day.

    Honestly to me, I don't see any reason why they told you that they want to see if the levels dropped. From what you are saying, it doesn't sound like they should be dropping. They should be going up.

    I really wish you the very best. Do your best to relax.

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