
Possible oral surgery?

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I am 16 and got braces in June, just on my lower teeth. I have had a problem with one of my lower adult teeth not coming in... it's been about 2 years waiting for it to come up on its own and its still way under the gum. I'm sick of waiting and my mom talked to my orthodontist about an oral surgery procedure he had previously discussed. We will be looking further into it and, hopefully, having it done so my braces can be off sooner!

All I know right now of the procedure is that the tooth would be taken up from under the gum (unless it is fused to the bone... ick) and then a bracket would be put on it.

If anyone has any experience with something like this or has a career in this field, could you tell me what to expect? Will I be knocked out for the surgery? Will they inject something in my veins... because that makes me freak out..? How long is the recovery period? How long do you think braces would be needed afterwards? My teeth are already straight, but that one tooth is stuck under.





  1. i had the exact same thing and i had the surgery on the 8th of august. You have the option do go under a local anesthetic which is a needle which numbs the gum, or you can have a needle injected into the the vein in your arm (they put numbing cream on) or you can get gas which they just put a mask on your face and bam your gone. But they do put a drip into you if you have the general anesthetic as you have to go to hospital for that one. But it doesn't hurt when they take the drip out, trust me i'm terrified of needles! They put the drip in while your asleep. They keep you in hospital for about an hour and you feel a bit unsteady on your feet and your lips really numb. It only takes a couple of days to recover and i didn't feel barely any pain. It would take about maybe another year for the tooth to come down. It sounds a bit scary but you barely feel a thing!

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