
Possible paternity issue!

by  |  earlier

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Ok if you read my other question you know that I may or may not be pregnant. Here's my issue. If I am pregnant there are a possibility of 6 different fathers. I know kind of s**t-ish, but its reality for me.

Guy # 1 : 3 broken condoms, pull out only

Guy # 2 : condoms always but one may have possibly broken

Guy # 3 : condom until right before he finished, then he took it off and didn't withdraw

Guy # 4 : condom first time, pullout second time

Guy # 5 : nothing at all

Guy # 6 : only pulled out the 2nd time no other times

So your probably thinking I'm the biggest s**t to ever walk the earth. Anyways, all 6 guys were in the past 35 days. They were usually days apart with the exception of guys 5 & 6, they were the same night. With the exception of guys 3&4 they were all a regular thing. If I am pregnant how can I determine the father before the baby is born? How can I tell them I am pregnant. Please don't judge me because I sleep around and am careless. I want a child but I want to be in a loving commited relationship when that time comes.




  1. Nasty!

    You have to wait till the baby is born. [I hear]

  2. Well, I certainly am not going to call you any names. What's happened is in the past and now needs to be dealt with. I can only hope that this has taught you to be more careful in the future. If you choose to sleep with multiple guys... that's up to you and no one else's business.  But, from now on please use protection. As I'm sure you know, pregnancy isn't all they protect you from. Now, that being said, lets deal with this possible pregnancy. You will not be able to determine the father before birth unless you have over $1000 to do a paternity test blood test. This is the site for that testing...

    You can get the baby's DNA from CVS or Amnio prenatally, but your dr. would have to be willing and I have NEVER heard of them agreeing to do one of these tests just to determine paternity. Plus there is a small risk involved with these tests. My best advice to you would be to do a test the day you deliver (if you are pregnant that it). You can google paternity testing and find many sites that provide these tests. You can take those supplies with you when you go to deliver. They cost as little as $79. Your only other option would be to do it through your state's child protective services office, but that can take a long time. As far as what to tell the guys involved... I would probably tell each of them there is a chance that they are the father, but I would wait to see if you are in deed pregnant first. I hope this helps. GOOD LUCK!

  3. The likelihood they will do a paternity test by amnio (while the baby is still in the womb) is slim to none and very expensive.  Amnio's are usually only done to detect genetic abnormalities.  It is highly likely u will be waiting until the child is born to have all of your cheeks swabbed and sent to the lab.

  4. you can have a test done before it is born where they stick a needle in your tummy and get fluid. but remember this is very dangerous to the baby and can cause miscarrage, so make sure its not worth waiting till after the baby is born. i think it is. good luck and remember to be more safe on your future descisions

  5. you can have a paternity test done while you are pregnant

    its a big needle put through your stomach to take fluid from around the baby

    but it can have side effects such as miscarrage

    im not judging you for sleeping around but if this is how you choose to live your life you should definatly be more careful with contaception

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