
Possible pulled hamstring?

by  |  earlier

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yesterday i was playing football and i was running and another teammate had tackled me by putting all of his weight on my right leg. i could not get up so i had to be helped off of the field. i got it checked out and it hurt a little bit but i went back in the game. i ended up injuring it again and this time i was out for good. i have a doctors appointment later today but i feel like its not soon enough. it still hurts bad and I'm staying off of it but its hard cause im alone and have no one to take care of me. what do you think it is???




  1. it could be something more serious than a pulled hamstring.while you're waiting to see the doctor keep it elevated and ice it.for pain you can take ibuprofen and that should help quite a bit.I pulled a muscle in my rib and ibuprofen didn't help so i used acetaminophen (atasol) if you have any.but for most people it works fine.Good Luck!

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